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tússentijdse verkíezingen — внеочередные выборы

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общ. промежуточный

Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "tussentijds" в других словарях:

  • 2007–2008 Belgian government formation — The 2007–2008 Belgian government formation followed the general election of 10 June, 2007, and consisted of a period of negotiation in which the Flemish parties Open VLD, Christian Democratic and Flemish (CD V) and New Flemish Alliance (N VA),… …   Wikipedia

  • Schillebeeckx —   [ sxɪləbeːks], Edward Cornelis Florentius Alfons, belgischer katholischer Theologe, * Antwerpen 12. 11. 1914; seit 1934 Dominikaner, 1943 57 Dozent in Löwen, 1958 82 Professor für dogmatische Theologie in Nimwegen. Schillebeeckx hat sich in… …   Universal-Lexikon

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